Privacy Policy

We work from an ethical point of view. That’s why we give you our promise that your data will not be disclosed to third parties for free use . It may be that there are companies who enrich themselves with unauthorized data disclosures. We do something like this and not take our word applies . Transmission of customer data to transport companies or even payment companies such as eg However Billpay or sofortbanking are compulsorily required within the deliveries and invoicing . We give here only the most important data on ( your customer address , but no email address or phone number).

After the applicable data protection regulations , you are entitled to view , correct or have deleted your person and stored data . A similar request for information , you can indicate the name , first name , complete address , and optionally your email address to our customer service , either by e -mail to info (at) or by post to  Purple Oak Ltd., La Chaussee Street, Office 113, 2nd floor Medine Mews, Port Louis, 11302, Mauritius.

Your data will be published by us, nor unjustified to third parties who are outside the corporate management. We have designed our website that we take account of the needs of our customers as best we can process your orders and invoice quickly and reliably. For this purpose, we use cookies. These are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer hard drive and show us what settings you selected when you visit our Web site and which products you have saved in your shopping cart . The use of cookies so exclusively serves to improve you for certain personal service during the order process .


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